Saturday, May 19, 2007

My random thought for today

Okay, so I have cell phones on the mind lately since I pulled the classic hick move of leaving mine in a cab in Chicago. Got a new one now, and it makes one think. Cell phones are now capable of absolutely everything this side of wiping your ass (and there's a Bluetooth device for that). You can conduct a corporate merger with your cell phone. You can launch a preemptive missile strike. You can travel through time, listening to mp3s and looking stylish while doing it. But the one thing they still can't seem to handle is the gunk from your face.

Sure, the screen is all gleamy and clear- for the first 1.3 seconds of use. Then it's all about the facial oils, makeup, and various other digusting viscous substances that collect on one's cheeky-eary area. Don't phone designers realize these things are going to be used by excreting beings? Forget the wireless earbud- the one accessory you truly need for your phone is a handy piece of clothing to wipe it on. Am I alone in this? Am I just excessively oily?

Really, they should come up with something to deal with this important issue. Perhaps a micro-thin squeegee that automatically cleans the screen after you hang up. Or a revolutionary plastic that repels face gunk, always keeping your skin at least one mm from contact with the screen. Maybe we could add a reservoir that collects the gunk, then you leave it by the curb to be picked up, refined, and used to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. We've got to get to work on this, people!


Blogger lecram sinun said...

A cellphone squeegee! Hot damn, that's a million dollar idea!

6:24 PM  
Blogger Katie :) said...

I couldn't agree more. Aside from mot wanting to be accessible to the world 24/7, that is another thing I am pleased with not having to deal with since ridding myself of the cell....

10:32 AM  
Blogger Zonthar said...

Lecram- Now if I could only design, produce, and market one.... hmmmm.....

Katie:)- Yeah, I kinda resent the cell, but I don't let it make me 24/7 accessible. It's only on when I need it. It is for MY convenience, not everyone else's!! That said, I'm always annoyed when I call someone and they have the gall to have theirs turned off...

10:43 AM  
Blogger airplanejayne said...

how about making a fizzy cleaner for it? Like, you could drop your phone in a fizzy glass at night -- like dentures, ya' know? and in the morning -- fresh phone. minty fresh!

(apj does not accept responsibility for this comment. She is sleep-blogging....)

11:26 PM  

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