Adventures in Chi-Town, The Lost Episodes
Okay, I think I'm going to start blogging just a bit more, and then probably stop again for months, as is my wont- but I still have this damn Chicago saga hanging over my head, and I really don't feel inclined to finish it. I already told you (yes you, Edmund P. Montmorency of Shakers Falls, Wisconsin, the only reader of my blog) most of the good stuff, and besides, I now have another trip to talk about, complete with all-new airline misadventures. As far as Chicago is concerned, we had a successful and busy show, got around the city a little bit, ate some good food, went to an enormous and amazing McDonald's, met a waitress who has a drink named after her in a famous piano bar frequented by Billy Joel, had another waitress buy me and my busines buddies Jager shots, went to a place called Funk where I truly didn't belong, watched a gross guy in at least his fifties (older than me!) try- and I think ultimately succeed- to get into the pants of a drunk 21-year-old girl, went to a show at Second City, met a couple who may have been swingers and the woman was hitting on both me and my married companion- okay, maybe I didn't actually tell you all of the good stuff after all, but now you get the gist of it. Also, here's the (not that exciting) photos I set aside months ago for the remainder of the story- I'll let you make up your own stories to go with them. More blogs later on other topics, and I am officially done with the Chicago story.

Groovy. man!
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